For the past couple of years AngularJS has been the go-to
framework for creating single page applications. The way
it dynamically updates the view as the data changes
without the need for specific listener code is fantastic,
and we love that it's designed to be easily tested by
automated tools.
Angular is Tricky
Of course, there's a trade-off: the learning curve with
Angular can be steep, and with the latest release they've
changed more than just the name (from AngularJS to Angular
If you're already familiar with Angular 1.x, you may be
aware of the pain of trying to migrate to the new
Angular 2.0 – maybe your code is so different to Angular
2.0 that migrating is not an option and you are forced
to either stay with Angular 1.x or do a massive rewrite.
Whether you're familiar with Angular 1.x or you're
completely new to Angular, there's a lot to learn.
The Angular Superpowers Tour can help
The best way to learn is from people who've done it
before, especially when it comes to a framework as huge as
Angular. At SSW, we have years of experience building
beautiful, scalable Angular projects, and we want to share
the love. That's why we created
The Angular Superpowers Tour: Angular 2 and ASP.NET
6 in Visual Studio 2015.
With our 2-day course, you can learn from our mistakes to
reduce your learning curve. In this workshop, we take a
deeper dive, and illustrate our talking points with screen
caps, code snippets, and good and bad examples.
Don't waste weeks learning gulp, bower, NPM, WebPack,
Angular 2, and getting your head around all the changes
from the ASP.NET team. We can get you jump started in just
two days.